
Get better at saying NO!

How hard is it to say no? “I was using my job as an excuse to drink and eat in excess…” Heather started saying no. She lost 2 stones of body fat, increased her success and started her own business. So why do we find it so hard to say no? Sometimes it means leaving…

Dr Natalie has a message for you

If we were robots, life would be boringly easy… but we’re not. We love, we cry, we laugh, we embrace and we dismiss. Dr Natalie St Just has spent her life helping us humans to get the most out of our human potential and would love to meet you this weekend to discuss how you…

Your first step to a tight set of abdominal muscles

Now this will apply to you as a patient OR as a personal training client. A weak core is a useless core. Unfortunately, a lot of people get off on the wrong foot straight away when trying to strengthen their core. Core strength is partly about trying to maintain a “brace position” which is what…

Pound for Pound BootCamp Full!


Pounds for Pounds is a Boot Camp we started last week where the pounds you lose each week is deducted from the cost of the following session. It turns out people liked the idea! Would you be interested in another time during the week? If so let me know and I’ll ask May if she…

Happy Martin Luther King Day


Happy Martin Luther King Day. Aren’t we lucky that so many people have come before us to fight for the freedom and privilege that we enjoy today. Who’s your hero? I have read some of (ashamedly not all of) MLK’s biography. One thing that stood out to me. He doubted himself so often. Every step…

Dal Recipe | low fat, low calorie, very high protein

Hey, what do you know about Dal? I remember falling in love with Dal the first time I went round my friends houses at primary school. Later did I learn that it is amazing on a plant based diet.    Dal  is very high in B Vitamins, fibre, protein (more protein per calorie than chicken at 18g…

Click and the Pain is Gone


Click and the pain is gone! Local Gravesend business owner Niki (@NikitabyNiki) hobbled by the Revitalize Clinic in excruciating pain. She had woken with crick neck (joint inflammation often associated with nerve irritation) and lower back pain and had barely slept since. After caring for over 5000 clients and patients the Revitalize team have seen…