
Carb Cycling and Hip Rehab

Well what a mixture of topics! But there’s a reason. We actually put to a vote on the Revitalize Facebook Page, what topics would you like us to cover in our next blog and these two came out on top. So here it goes, an easily digestible chunk sized blog on Carb Cycling and Sacroiliac…

See you 1 Stone Later…

My challenge: to lose a stone (6kg) and increase strength (ideally) by December 14th to be, pound for pound, the strongest I’ve ever been Now, I weigh 93kg atm and my hunch is that I can weigh in at 85kg and lift a triple body weight DL of 255kg- 260kg but the here’s the problem…

Kent Independent Trader Awards

It was and honour for us to be nominated as a Kent Independent Traders Finalist. It’s great to see that our hard work is being appreciated. However, we feel that amongst others, there were 3 main reasons for our nomination. CONSTANT AND ENTHUSIASTIC CUSTOMER SUPPORT If you’re in pain, you need constant support to be…

Pain Killers and Anti-Inflammatory Rubs


Life is fast and we’re generally time-poor, so the appeal of pain medication and anti-inflammatirues is a great quic fix to reduce pain , but is the effect temporary and hiding an underlying and more serious cause? Let us first clear a few things up inflammation heals tissue. BUT anti-inflammatories regulate inflammation, they don’t eradicate it pain CAN…


There is a terribly unnecessary void between the so called big and the small. The “genetically gifted” and ungifted which perpetuates into stereotyping and judgemental beliefs. We have “big” people classing those who are “fitness fanatics” as judgemental and annoying. We have “fitness fanatics” judging bigger people as lazy and as having low standards STOP! Health comes in…

Health and Fitness for Business

A couple of days ago I delivered a talk to a considerable sized group of businessman and businesswoman… it was scary stuff. But how to go about it was more problematic. Only 2-3 had injuries and 1 or 2 would go see a personal trainer… but they all owned businesses. So behold, my seminar on…

“And you think you’ve got it bad?…”

Too many of us identify with our pain Many of us will even compete as to who’s had the worst spinal injury or shoulder pain etc. A common conversation may be “ah that’s nothing. When my back went I was out of work for weeks and I’m still recovering” but this outlook is completely disadvantageous…