Ultimate exercise for your hips, knees and ankles and how to do it ๐Ÿ˜Š

The ultimate exercise for your hips, knees and ankles is the pistol squat.ย 


But the pistol squat is out of reach for most people. Painful knees, stiff ankles and weak hips prevent them from doing it. Doing a pistol without the proper foundation can also cause injury.ย 


If you’re looking to perfect your pistol squat, I demonstrate an easy step by step method to master it, starting with the seated pistol squat.ย 


If your hips, knees and ankles have been deemed healthy by a medical professional, give it a go and let us know what you think

Need our help? Book in with your health and fitness specialist. Go to www.revitalizeclinic.co.uk/book-appointment to book in!

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