When I go food shopping, I often ask myself what are the intentions of the people I see filling up their shopping trolley. Microwaveable meals give the impression of convenience or an inability to cook. Copious amounts of sweets and chocolate give the impression of someone who wants to treat themselves or destress. But then a lot of fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods give me the impression that someone is health conscious, or that they know how to cook.
So what does it take to be more the latter than the former?
Education. We can’t snap our fingers and change our habits but we can learn new habits that transform our lives for the better.
Our Clinical psychologist and Life Coach, Dr Natalie will help you do just that.
The Course Learning Objectives are:
- Think differently about your food and eating habits
- Make a gentle change to your lifestyle that you can maintain
- Listen to your body so you can eat what your body needs
- Know what gets in the way of making healthy changes
- Develop healthy eating habits you can sustain one step at a time
This course is designed to be part of your journey towards living the kind of healthy lifestyle you want to have in years to come. This is why we will not be promoting dieting, but instead promoting a change in habits and lifestyle that will lay the foundation for healthy eating.
Book on at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/161646758807 for our online class starting on saturday the 17th of July at 11am on zoom