by Arwel Roberts (M.Ost)
According a recent report, half of those receiving a prescription for the medication groups named had been doing so for 12 months previous, and between 22 and 32% (dependant on which medication) had been receiving a prescription for at least the past 3 years.
The report also describes current trends in prescribing including an increase in antidepressant and gabapentinoid prescriptions, and that women and older adults are prescribed these medications at the highest rates.
So what can you do?
As I explain in the video, going cold turkey isn’t the option to take as many people experience withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off these drugs. But you should get to know your medication, what are you taking, how much of it, and what are you taking it for? This will empower you, spend the time on this and the next time you see your GP you can question them on anything you may think needs modifying. –
There are other options too, social prescribing, talking therapy, and looking at how you can improve your health through physical activity, diet, sleep, stress management are all ways you may be able to control your symptoms and live a healthier life.
Now making changes isn’t easy so get some help from family, friends, medical professionals, or colleagues to help you stay accountable or to talk to in difficult times.
Any questions leave them below in the comments or message me directly!
Report link