I’m sure if you have suffered with Sciatica you know how uncomfortable it can be. A sharp shooting pain with numbness or tingling in your buttock and leg/s is not nice at all. Yes this pain will most likely go on its own overtime but that can take months and i’m sure you would agree that at a small price you would rather have it gone in weeks rather than months.
Revitalize Health and Fitness Clinic aim to have you feeling healthy and happy as soon as possible. We will not only treat your painful symptoms of sciatica but find the cause so that we can rehabilitate you appropriately to avoid sciatica reoccurring. Whether that is altering your exercise routine, providing you with strength and conditioning exercises or improving your posture we can reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you suffer on a long term basis.
To book an appointment call us on 01474 247629 or for more information simply book a free consultation. We are here to help!