The thing is, pain isn’t always as straight forward as it seems. The body will make an area more sensitive when injured, meaning it may be painful but not damaged, especially when an area is painful for a long period of time. So what do we do? We decrease sensitivity and speed tissue repair with three simple steps
Stage One: Desensitisation and Pain Relief
With massage, stretching and ice, the injury is far less sensitive and can then be rehabilitated
Stage Two: Loading and Rehabilitation
By very gradually loading a tissue you can start to reduce pain, improve strength and confidence
Final Stage: Stabilisation and Reintroduction
For me and for you, this is the most rewarding part. In short, this is reintroducing you back into doing the things you love. No pain, and feeling great!
So if you or a loved one are in pain, feel free to contact the Revitalize Clinic today via the details found here ( And if you still want to find out more, just ask or watch our promotional video below
Thank you for reading what I had to say, and remember, if you have any questions I’m just an email away