A few months ago I was treating a patient whom I greatly respected. He had accomplished great things in his life. However I noticed something different about him. A sense of panic with cold beads of sweat forming on his forehead. I asked him to lay down on the treatment table and as soon as his head touched the pillow, he bolted back up.
“I need to stand…” he said. “And do you mind if we keep the door open. In fact can you turn the treatment table to face the door?”
And I have treated many patients like him since. Many of us have become institutionalised by the control we exercise within the four walls of our homes. As soon as they’re in a foreign environment, they panic.
Revitalize counsellor, Trish Flood answers your questions. Why are we feeling like this? How do we come out of lockdown with our mental health intact? How hard is coming out of lockdown going to be?
Trish is a fantastic addition to our team who has helped to transform the mental health of countless clients. Listen to her advice as she puts your mind at ease.
And if you need any help in easing your way through difficult processes, Trish offers free over the phone assessments. Just send us a message if you need someone to speak to.