May is preparing a feast for you!

I might not have told you this but when I was 23, I contacted every client and friend I had who had lost a significant amount of weight and I interviewed them. These were clients and friends who had lost over 5 stone in weight. I wanted to see if there was a trend and if there were similarities in their transformations. 

There were similarities. Loads of them. 

One key element to their physical transformations was them learning to cook great tasting, healthy meals. They ate less takeaways, less processed foods and actually went to restaurants less. Their intake of fiber naturally increased and their intake of calories decreased. 

For you, May is cooking up a treat.

On April 2nd and April 9th, May will take you through 2 breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks that will set you up for the week and rock your taste buds. 

These meals will taste great, take very little preparation and teach you some amazing foundations for cooking great tasting healthy food

Book here:

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Video Guided Plans

You’re in control of your pain and your progression between every appointment. Your video guided mobilisation and strengthening plan will make sure that not only will your pain reduce during the appointment, but at home as well.

Find out more at 

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