I’m campaigning to become a council member in the Institute of Osteopathy!

I’m campaigning to become a councillor for the Institute of Osteopathy. I absolutely love osteopathy but I feel it could be improved. I think we need to be more informed by industry evidence, work to refine our practice and tell more people about ourselves. We help a lot of people and the public need to know, if you ask me 🙂

What do you think of my pitch?

Vote for me if you can use my skill set | I am here to help you

On the 20th of November, to vote go to https://www.iosteopathy.org/for-osteopaths/2020-council-candidates/

My skill set is:

  1. Sharpening my ability as an osteopath my letting evidence inform my practice, and not by letting evidence dictate my practice
  2. Shouting about the success we create. We have a client list over 6400 strong, 4000 of which came to us in the last 4 years

I put a condition on your vote because I am pitching to represent you and your collective vision as fellow Osteopaths. If I can help you, please vote for me. If I can’t, then I am sure another candidate will do brilliantly.

But if you want to help a wider scope of patients whilst simultaneously shaping the future of osteopathy, then I am confident that I can help you.

So I ask you; are you working on growing your practice and simultaneously working to become the best Osteopath you can be?

Me too, and I would love to help you

According to google trends:

  • People are searching for Osteopaths at twice the rate they are searching for physiotherapists
    • This is despite here being 15 times as many physiotherapists than osteopaths. The demand is huge… but could it be greater?
  • Despite there being half as many chiropractors as osteopaths, they are searched for at 4 times the rate of osteopaths

I would argue two points


  1. The majority of patients who we see are in pain. And we are looked upon highly as being the solution to their pain. However, more data is showing that pain is heavily predisposed by psychological predisposition, diet, exercise and tolerance to load. I ask you, do we have the tools we need to help our patients in this domain?

    We owe it to ourselves and our patients to be the best practitioners we can be. By taking our drive to become truly holistic and our philosophy of structure function, we can become industry leaders in taking this amazing collection of evidence which is a blessing to our industry and putting it to incredibly productive use for our patients.

    By drawing applicable evidence from studies using osteopathy, health psychologists, physiotherapists, dieticians etc we can offer the most effective and up to date practice for our patients.

    I would propose elevating the voices within our profession who provide sound, practical evidence based advice for us as osteopaths and by creating a central hub which is easily accessible to all of us we can implement effective strategies. By pooling other evidence from other health practices, we can increase the scope of our holistic practice.

    This means a more effective practice which our current and future practitioners and students can call upon to help at any hurdle.
  2. As we can see, we have much more potential for exposure. By simultaneously refining our approach and using current advertising techniques, we can propel osteopathy to new heights.

    A simple approach for me is “do an amazing job and shout from the rooftops about it” ie make as big a noise as possible.

    Since 2016, of 4000 new clients  
  • 23% came from online
  • 20% came from facebook
  • 6% came from affiliations
  • 40% came from word of mouth

To me, the results are simple. If we market well, we can help twice as many people as relying solely on word of mouth. We should market because we have a gift that we should share. If only 20% of people have seen an osteopath when so many more are in pain, we have a job to do.

By creating a centralised hub for marketing advice and tutorials, we can help more people and grow our practice as a result. 

We collectively have a shared experience. We went through an extremely testing degree, now lasting at least 4 years;  many of us have experienced the uncertainty of being self employed, lock down and the rest. But we all did it because we want to help people.

So as I said, if you want to help more people, as I do, refining our practice as we go, to be the best we can possibly be, I would love to take your support and guide osteopathy to being the best it can be. 

But to be the best it can be, it will take all of us. 

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