Pain in the backside? Ellie helps Sandra’s Gluteal Bursitis

Pain in the backside? It is with Gluteal Bursitis

Sandra came into the clinic hobbling in after trying multiple interventions for her pain before meeting Ellie who was able to provide her with an effective solution for her pain.

Bursas are cysts that reduce friction between articulating or gliding surfaces. The problem is, if they start to have to deal with a lot more force, they can become very painful and swollen. You may have seen people with very swollen elbows. This often is olecranon bursitis

One key aim here; reduce friction. Ellie was able to help Sandra to do this with exercises to distribute load throughout the area and advise rest when needed to allow the area to recover. Sandra can now enjoy all of the things she previously enjoyed before her injury which means a job well done by Ellie

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