Treating Terry Hollands over the years has been an absolute joy of an experience. Seeing him excel and continuously gain athleticism and strength and help him with tackling some pretty nasty injuries has been a highlight of my career
But like I said, when you’re pushing your body to the level that Terry is on a weekly basis, your body is balancing between optimal performance and burnout/ injury. And that’s where we come in.
Now, Terry has been competing for a long time. He knows his body and its limitations and has developed a long list of exercises which he feels benefits him. We help Terry by maintaining his muscular health and throwing in a few other bits and bobs for him to do in between treatments.
Sports massage therapy for example can rapidly reduce the perception of pain and stiffness. This means Terry is less likely to injure himself by compensating for aches and pains.
I myself have found that regular treatments with our Sports Therapist, Ellie can speed my recovery dramatically.
In pain? Stiff or uncomfortable? Then click that button below and book in for a sports massage or injury specific treatment
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