How do we know when your pain is a medical emergency?


Shoulder pain or heart attack?

Back pain or cancer?


These are questions that go through our mind with every single patient

Our first priority is to do no harm. So how do we do this? By understanding your bodily systems.


Simply put, if you move and it hurts, it’s more likely to be related to your mechanical structures. But if you stress the other bodily systems (eat, get out of breathe, raise your heart rate) and this increases your pain, then we start to inquire as to whether or not your symptoms are coming from another area outside of our remit. 


If so, we write a letter to your doctor advising which course of action to take. 


Thankfully, our patients spend up to 10x longer with us per appointment than a standard GP appointment. This enables us to ask many questions that might otherwise be missed.



Interested in finding out where your pain is coming from? You can likely get an appointment within 3 days


Interested to know more? Book a free consultation with your specialist at


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