You will discover why you are in pain
Back Pain and Neck Pain at Revitalize Clinic
Our proven approach to relieve your back pain and neck pain
Your team of Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists look forward to meeting you

Expert Diagnosis

Specialist Treatment
Massage, joint manipulation, acupuncture and online guided self treatment

Video Guided Plans
Tailored exercises for your spine’s strength and mobility
Your Back Pain and how we can help
There are a number of reasons why back pain is so troublesome for so many people (80% of us suffer from lower back pain at one point or another). One reason is that it is very hard to avoid making it worse when you have back or neck pain as it is very hard not to use your spine. Another is that back and neck pain creates a lot of fear which causes us to then be very hesitant of movement, causing us to seize up and spasm.
The longer you’re on medication or reliant on seeing someone for your back or neck pain, the less empowered you are. This leads to a lot of money spent, and a lack of trust in your lower and neck back. Both aren’t good, long term.
what your back pain and neck pain needs
back pain can be eradicated in as little as one treatment
What causes back and neck pain
There are many causes of back and neck pain
But those presenting to the clinic, most often come in with the following complaints

Joint or Disc Pain

Muscle Spasm


Nerve Damage
But it is far more accurate to think of the spine as an integrated system.
How long does back or neck pain take to recover?
The average number of treatments that it takes to eradicate back and neck pain is 3. This is an average taken from patients who have had back or neck pain for anywhere between 1 day and 10 years and upwards before seeing us at the clinic. But don’t worry, after asking you some specific questions and running through some special tests at the clinic or via video call, we can explain exactly how long we expect your back or neck pain to take to recover.
Spinal pain tends to be more stubborn to eradicate the longer it carries on for. This is because the pain can then become chronic, which is where it is “hard wired” or “learnt” by your nervous system as a default setting. When back pain or neck pain becomes chronic, a lot of focus needs to be placed on improving the spine’s response to movement. This will be done via treatment, self administered treatment (massage, mobilisation etc.), advice and exercise.
Chronic Pain
This is how pain works You hurt your back so you rest it. You used to play sport but your knees started to hurt and you stopped. You used to feel good standing up for yourself but after significant trauma, you now avoid conflict. Falling in love is amazing but the heartbreak isn’t worth it Fine. But for how long? Runners who rest for too long after sustaining are in more pain when they return. People who exercise i.e. expose themselves to trauma on a regular basis, have far better tolerance to pain than those who don’t.
Do I need a scan such as an MRI or X-Ray?
How does Revitalize diagnose back pain and neck pain?

We must give the spine the best chance to recover
We must repair what has been damaged

Success rate of treatment at Revitalize
Sue was a medical emergency
Sue came to us as a medical emergency and a few months later we had her picking 50kg off of the floor. And this isn’t just Sue. There are literally thousands of patients that we’ve helped.
16 Years of Sciatica and Nerve Damage... Gone
For 16 years Ricky had fluctuating difficulty with even light tasks like hoovering and putting on his socks. Now however, he’s golfing, gymming, starting yoga and running his successful construction company pain free.
Crick Neck, gone!
Ellie was able to quickly eliminate Niki’s neck pain within one treatment
Career ending injury fixed
We were challenged £500 to fix Paul's back
So we invited Paul in for a free treatment; no bet attached. Paul later called us that week, thanking us. His pain had reduced and he had exercises that he could do to aid long term rehabilitation.
How about a FREE consultation?
Want to improve your health and fitness? Then book in a free consultation today to get started. We see our clients and patients between 6am and 8pm, Monday to Sunday. So click the button below to get started.
Our Pain Team
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How about a FREE consultation?
Want to improve your health and fitness? Then book in a free consultation today to get started. We see our clients and patients between 6am and 8pm, Monday to Sunday. So click the button below to get started.